NUMIKON je i ove godine jedan od izlagača na 13. međunarodnom znanstveno-stručnom savjetovanju “Energetska i procesna postrojenja” i 8. međunarodnom forumu o obnovljivim izvorima energije. Posjetite nas u Rovinju u hotelu Eden od 14.-16.11.2018. Uobičajene teme Savjetovanja, odnosno Foruma su sljedeće: energetsko gospodarstvo, zakonodavstvo, aktualnosti iz energetike energetska i procesna postrojenja, zaštita okoliša ispitivanje,…
Month: September 2018
CADWorx Design Review Professional Webinar: A New Collaboration Solution
Date: Thursday, September 27, 2018 Time: 5:00pm CEST Duration: 1 hour Check out the brand-new visualization solution CADWorx Design Review Professional. Its competitive, powerful, and cost-effective tools can help lower your overall project cost by reducing engineering and design time.
CAESAR II Webinar: A Shallow Dive into Deep Waters
Date: September 25, 2018 Time: 8:00pm CEST Duration: 1 hour REGISTER HERE! This webinar introduces pipe stress engineers to how CAESAR II may be used for subsea modules. The focus will be on understanding some of the load conditions needed for subsea piping, such as transport, splash zone, landing, operation, and more.
Join now the GetSmart! Webinar
Date: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 Time: 10:00 AM CEST Duration: 60 minutes CADWorx possesses an extensive and unique range of tools and capabilities that makes sanitary design for food & beverage and, also, pharmaceutical facilities fast, accurate, easy, and cost-effective. CADWorx Plant Professional software is an excellent solution for this industry! Register now to learn why…